How to Maintain Aluminium Windows and Doors

The reason aluminium windows and doors are so popular across the Bolton and Greater Manchester areas is because they are so easy to maintain. Enjoy a long lasting product without the hassle.

Should you wish to maintain your new products, here are some tips on keeping them looking good as the day they were installed.

The focus when you’re cleaning the glass of your new doors and windows should be on:

  • Minimising streaks
  • Cleaning both the inside and the outside
  • Ensuring the glass dries smoothly

Use a non abrasive sponge or lint free cloth when wiping down your windows or doors. Try not to create too many soap suds, as these may leave streaks when dried.

Once the glazing is dry, pat down or wipe the windowsill with an absorbent cloth and drying cloth. Newspaper is also a fantastic alternative if you wind your cloth is leaving lint or other marks.

When cleaning the aluminium frame, avoid harsh cleaning products. Anything containing bleach or other strong chemicals should be used very sparingly or, ideally, not at all.

Categories: doors, Windows

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